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Understanding Clinical Negligence

Understanding Clinical Negligence


TSP Solicitor and Director, Julian Wilson, and Medical Claims Advisor, Dr. Jane Gurden, joined Dream 100’s Murf (Jonathan Murphy) to discuss Clinical Negligence on their ‘Ask the Expert’ feature.

Jane and Julian, who both have a wealth of Clinical (Medical) Negligence experience, discuss Clinical Negligence.

In Part one of three Jane and Julian discuss:

  • What is Clinical Negligence?
  • Examples of when Clinical Negligence may occur
  • What is the standard of a competent practitioner?
  • What constitutes a Clinical Negligence claim?
  • The risks associated with surgical procedures
  • Importance of complaining to the relevant health body – “lessons learned”

In Part two Jane and Julian chat with Murf about:

  • Difference between a complaint and a claim
  • Time period in which a complaint should be made
  • How to make a complaint  - the NHS complaints procedure
  • When should a solicitor be involved?
  • How to find an accredited Clinical Negligence solicitor / AvMA
  • The complaints process

In Part three the subjects that Julian and Jane talk about are:

  • The reasons that people make claims
  • What can be claimed?
    • Pain and suffering
    • Past losses, and
    • Future losses
  • How a claim can be paid for
    • Legal Aid
    • Conditional fee agreements – “no win no fee”
    • Insurance
  • Speaking to a man or a woman in complete confidence

If you feel that you have experienced any of the problems that Jane and Julian discuss with Murf and think that they may be able to help you please do get in touch. The Clinical Negligence team at TSP will be happy to discuss your potential claim with you and this initial discussion will be completely free of charge.


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