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Decision-Making – Powers of Attorney

Decision-Making – Powers of Attorney


TSP’s Head of Wills and Estates, Solicitor Fiona Ashworth, joins Dream 100’s Murf (Jonathan Murphy) to discuss the decision-making process when mental capacity is called into question and will explain how powers of attorney can be used in this situation.

In the first part of a 3 part series, Fiona discusses:

  • Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) and how they can help
  • The types of decisions an attorney make if an LPA is in place
  • Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA) and how they are different to an LPA
  • Benefits of having an LPA over an EPA
  • When does an attorney take over decision making?
  • The consequences if there is no power of attorney in place

In part 2, Fiona explains:

  • How to set up an LPA
  • Preparations to make when you are planning to meet with a solicitor to put an LPA in place
  • How LPAs differ for single/widowed individuals
  • Appointing an attorney
  • Being an attorney

Part 3 sees Fiona and Murf chatting about:

If you have any questions regarding powers of attorney or creating a Will, you can contact Fiona Ashworth on or 01206 217057.

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