
Alexa Kemp

Marketing Manager
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I am an Accredited Public Relations practitioner and communications professional. With over a decade of experience in the professional services sphere, I specialise in helping law firms to realise their marketing objectives through strategic storytelling.

I grew up in London and pursued my education there, obtaining a first in English from Russell Group institution QMUL and a Masters in Comparative Literature from UoL. After dipping my toe briefly into the world of publishing, I worked as a Digital Copywriter before relocating to Suffolk in 2013.

After securing a Diploma in Public Relations, I shifted my focus towards communications. Having worked previously at both regional and City-based firms, I now lead Thompson Smith and Puxon’s Marketing function. As part of the wider Operations Team, Marketing support our legal colleagues with a variety of matters including events, business development, digital marketing and social media as well as public relations and press. I am also a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

You can find out more about my expertise, including information on thought leadership programmes I have worked on, here, here and here.