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TSP’s Emma Cherry Raises £223.00 in Slide Rider Challenge

TSP’s Emma Cherry Raises £223.00 in Slide Rider Challenge

Throwing yourself down a 250m water slide may not be everyone's cup of tea, but Emma Cherry from the Thompson Smith and Puxon Wills and Estates team braved the water and went headfirst in a rubber ring down Colchester's North Hill in aid of Cancer Research UK 'Beating Cancer in Kids and Teens'. Raising money for a charity close to her heart, Emma took two runs down the giant slide which featured water hoses on either side and required those that were brave enough to ride headfirst to pick up the best speed, with Emma getting her best run on her second attempt after practising her technique. The sun even came out on a bank holiday for the riders! Although finishing the event rather soggy, Emma says she thoroughly enjoyed herself and is extremely pleased with the money she raised. Emma has completed charity events in the past with TSP colleagues, such as the Santa Fun Run for CoHoC, and the Directors and Staff at TSP were pleased to support her this time too, helping her towards a fantastic total of £223.00. Well done Emma!

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