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TSP celebrates International Women’s Day 2023

TSP celebrates International Women’s Day 2023

To mark International Women's Day on the 8th March 2023 we are sharing a feature on TSP's Head of Corporate and Commercial, Mary Anne Fedeyko in March's edition of Absolutely Essex. The publication features leading women from around Essex, with insights into how they started their careers and what's in store for the coming year.

I originally trained and qualified as a lawyer in Canada, then moved to the UK to work for Freshfields, a large international firm. When my husband and I decided to start a family I thought it would be best to work closer to home. I interviewed with several different law firms in the area, but found Thompson Smith and Puxon fully behind work life balance and fully supportive of working part-time as a new mother (even all those years ago!); it also had a superb client base and a very bright, affable group of partners - to me it seemed the perfect combination.

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