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New Year, New House?

New Year, New House?

Richard Broadhead, Head of Residential Property at Thompson Smith and Puxon shares some insights for people considering moving house in the New Year…

If 2024 is the right time for you to put your house on the market, then there are a few things that you can do ahead of time to put you in a healthy position for a smooth, stress-free process.

Locate Your Deeds - Most properties are registered, however there are still some  unregistered properties around. It is worth finding out where your deeds are held (they may be stored by your Solicitor, bank or you may have them safely stored somewhere yourself). Locating your deeds ahead of time could save any delay when you have a buyer.

Certificates & Warranties - If you have had any works done to your property (such as an extension, conservatory, loft conversion or new windows) then collate the certificates and paperwork that you have. This can minimise the enquiries raised regarding any works since the house was last purchased.

Property Information Forms - You can get ahead of the paperwork by completing the various standard forms which set out key information on the property and the fixtures and fittings.

Think About Completion Dates - Your sale and purchase is likely to be linked to a chain of
transactions and there must be an agreed date for the completion. If you have any key times to avoid, such as long holidays or pre-booked surgeries, then inform your Solicitor in good time. Equally if you have a deadline that you must complete by, then make this known to avoid disappointment.

Seek Mortgage Advice Early - Mortgage rates have been up and down in 2023. If it has been some time since you re-mortgaged or moved house, then it is worth speaking to a trusted mortgage advisor or your bank early in the New Year to check your affordability, rates and requirements.

For further information, advice or to obtain a quote for your property sale and/or purchase, then please contact the Thompson Smith and Puxon team on 01206 217070 or email

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