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Dying Matters: In a Good Place

Dying Matters: In a Good Place

This year, the Dying Matters Awareness Week campaign encourages us to start the conversation around making plans to deal with death, bereavement and grief, and asks us to think about what it means to be in a good place to die. The week will focus on the importance of being “in a good place to die” and this will be promoted throughout the campaign which runs from the 10th – 16th May.

Where people die is changing. More and more people have been dying at home and the pandemic has seen this number leap by tens of thousands. There is very little evidence about the quality of these home deaths, and whether the right care and support was in place. The quality of care for some people at the end of their life is still not good enough. There is no right or wrong place to die; as it will be different for everyone. But it is important for families to think about it, to talk about it and to plan for it. Everyone is entitled to be in a good place when they die – physically, emotionally and with the right care in place. Getting there means having some important conversations, and making some careful decisions. Here at Thompson Smith and Puxon our Wills and Estates team can help you have the peace of mind that your future wishes are carried out, by making sure your choices are written in the right legal document.

Research suggests that most people haven’t taken care of the practical aspects, which includes making an LPA for Health and Welfare, a Will, deciding on organ donation, and planning for future care. In fact a Law Society survey conducted during the first National Lockdown in 2020 found that approximately 60% of the respondents confirmed they did not have a Will.

At TSP our team are ready to listen to you and help you get your affairs in order. We would like to encourage you to take the first step by starting what can seem like a daunting conversation as we listen and give the answers you need.

As we continue to navigate Covid-19 and its restrictions, face to face events are limited so we are supporting Dying Matters Awareness Week with an online presence. Throughout the week we will be sharing resources about how to make a Will and how to plan for the future across our social media channels and website.

Fiona Ashworth who leads the Wills and Estates team at Thompson Smith and Puxon said “This is the fourth year that TSP has supported Dying Matters Awareness Week and now, more than ever, there is a need for it. Particularly given the Covid 19 situation, bringing the subject of death and the number of people affected, into our lives on a daily basis. Historically, talking about death has always been a bit awkward, but the past year has reminded us that it is something we all have to face and there is no doubt that having someone to listen to you and act upon your wishes makes it easier.”

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