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Brantham Teddy Bear Parachute Jump

Brantham Teddy Bear Parachute Jump

This year’s annual Teddy Bear Parachute Jump in aid of St Michael’s Church Brantham (CO11 1PZ) will take place on Saturday 30 June 2018 in the church grounds. Registration for Teddy Bear parachutists will open at 9:30am on the day with the first jump taking place at 9:45am.

The event, sponsored by Thompson Smith and Puxon (TSP) since the first Teddies jumped, has the brave Teddy Bears, sporting parachutes designed and made by their owners, launching from the top of the church tower. Their descent to earth is timed, with the winner being the Bear who remains airborne the longest. Ideally, trainers will have made parachutes for their brave Bears before arriving to jump but there will be a stall at the event for last minute parachute manufacture if needed!

It costs just £2 for a Teddy Bear to jump, and there are prizes of £50, £30 and £20 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively for the brave Bears and their owners.  Repeat jumps are just £1, and if you have raised sponsorship for your Teddy in aid of the church your Bear can jump for free. Sponsorship forms can be collected from the back of the church. Refreshments will be on sale, so do please come along and support the church and the Teddies on the day.

The winning Bear in 2017 was ‘Greg’ with the excellent flight time of 39.09 seconds, closely followed by ‘Peace Parachute’ in second place with 31.22s and ‘Amelia’ flying into third place with a time of 30.15s.

Pictured with the Winners and their Bears are Thompson Smith and Puxon Chief Operating Officer Sean Stuttaford (far right) and Rev Stephne van der Toorn (second from right). Sean said “We are really pleased to be able to support the Teddy Bear parachute jump again this year. It’s a great event and would urge you all to come along on the day and support Rev Steph and the Church.”

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