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Personal Injury

Have you had an accident or suffered an injury that wasn’t your fault? If the answer is yes then you may be able to claim compensation.

Over 3 million people are injured in accidents each year, but if you have had an accident that wasn’t your fault and suffered an injury because of it then you may be able to claim compensation. Our Personal Injury team based in Colchester, Essex offers a FREE no-obligation initial evaluation of your case, and depending on your circumstances can offer no win no fee agreements to help you with your personal injury claim.

Led by Steve Webb our specialist Personal Injury team has had years of experience helping accident victims with their claims and have recovered many millions in compensation. Our personal injury team can help you claim compensation for any injuries or losses suffered, which, as a direct result of the accident, affected the quality of your life, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of earnings
  • Cost of ongoing treatment
  • Cost of any extra care or equipment you may require
  • Change to the quality of your life i.e. unable to play sports or participate in certain hobbies

The team’s case load ranges from road traffic accidents and accidents at work to cases involving work environment diseases such as work related stress and repetitive strain injuries.

Not sure how much your claim may be worth? Use our compensation calculator to find out.

Deciding to make a claim can be difficult and stressful; we want to make the process as easy as possible for our clients by offering the following:

  • Free initial evaluation of your case
  • Out of office visits to your home or hospital bed
  • Named member of the TSP Personal Injury team who will be responsible for your claim and keep you up to date with your case

Whether you have suffered from whiplash or a more serious injury such as brain damage or paralysis our personal injury team can help you make a claim.

To find out how much compensation you may be owed and how we can help you with your Personal Injury claim

The Personal Injury team is recognised as being amongst the best in the South East of England by the Legal 500. Team leader Steve Webb is recommended for his work in this area.

In 2022/23 the Thompson Smith and Puxon team was once again recommended by the Legal 500. The Legal 500 said: Thompson Smith and Puxon‘s personal injury and clinical negligence team is led from Colchester by Steve Webb, an APIL senior litigator and a Law Society-accredited PI specialist who is praised for his ‘dedication to his client’s best interests combined with practical good sense’. He is supported by chartered legal executive Stacey Anderson, who has ‘the right mix of empathy, tactical guile and meticulousness in thought and preparation‘. The team was also strengthened by the arrival of clinical negligence senior associate Hasina Choudhury in late 2021.

In 2021/22 the Legal 500 said: Thompson Smith and Puxon’s personal injury and clinical negligence team is led by Steve Webb, who has a strong track record securing favourable settlements for claimants. He is experienced in handling a full range of personal injury and clinical negligence cases, and is notably active in high-value brain injury claims. Webb works with chartered legal executive Stacey Anderson, who has particular expertise in medical accidents affecting women (including gynaecological and obstetric matters), in addition to undertaking more general cases.

In 2020/21 the Legal 500 said: ‘Quietly and tenaciously delivering results’, Thompson Smith and Puxon’s team is led by Steve Webb and handles a mixture of both complex medical work and serious personal injury matters.

In 2019/20 the Legal 500 said “The ‘great’ personal injury department at Thompson Smith and Puxon handles an array of matters including accidents at work, road traffic accidents, and trips and slips. Led by Steve Webb, the team also has experience in medical negligence and covers hospital and dental mistakes and psychiatric shock.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Unfortunately there is very little we can do to help in the early stages of a claim and it is often the case that the injured party will need to rely on state benefits or borrowing. At times, and dependent on the nature of the injury, we can work collaboratively with the Defendant to arrange rehabilitation whilst the liability aspect is under investigation.

We are, in some cases, able to negotiate interim payments but these are difficult to get immediately. These can sometimes be negotiated a few weeks or months into a case when a defendant has accepted liability – but independent medical evidence will usually be required.

If a case is defended then there are provisions in the Civil Procedure Rules that allow an application to the Court but we must establish that your case is likely to be won and also that the defendant is insured against loss.

You do not need to be worried about confidentiality. A confidentiality clause can be inserted into the terms of any agreement and any settlement that you might receive can be kept confidential also.

Our experience is however, that catastrophic cases, in particular, which tend to settle for higher amounts, do attract a significant amount of media interest. As part of our service we will help you handle the press when the inevitable enquiries arrive, in the way that you, the client, want them to be handled.

Some clients want to speak out about their ordeal and gain comfort from speaking about their experiences. Others would rather that their experiences are not mentioned at all and want to be protected from press intrusion. The driving force for TSP is to protect our clients’ interests and well being and however you feel at the time, we will be there to help and advise on the best course of action for you to achieve your desired outcome.

If you were in a road traffic accident that was caused by someone that failed to stop at the scene or if they were not insured then you still may be able to make a claim. If you had an accident with an untraced motorist then you may be able to make a claim against the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) under the Untraced Drivers Agreement. If you are claiming for personal injury compensation from the MIB then you must have reported the accident to the police promptly.


In the main there are 2 “worries”.

The first is Cost. Generally this “worry” applies to all clients no matter the type of injury and is almost always the overriding fear that people have. We always discuss funding options with a client at the very first interview and in general terms we usually manage to allay any fears the potential client may have.

The second “worry” often comes up when we see someone about an accident they have had at work. The Employee who has suffered an injury in the workplace is usually very concerned about what their employers can or might do to them if they raise a claim. As long as you have protected employment – this means you have been working for your employer for 2 years or more – then if they were to dismiss you or treat you badly then it would be open to you to pursue a claim against them in an employment tribunal. One of the benefits in this area for our clients is that we have a specialist Employment team at TSP who would be able to guide you through that process.

Some Personal Injury lawyers and some Personal Injury claimants have, over the years, given Personal Injury claims a “bad” name. The phrase “compensation culture” has been coined to generally refer to the “where there’s blame there’s a claim” culture in which compensation is sought without being based on any legal principles.

At TSP we are here to help people who have a genuine injury, but not at all costs. We are here to help when genuinely needed and asked to help by you – we are not “ambulance chasers”, another phrase coined by the media to describe the lawyer who obtains clients by persuading them to sue. At TSP we are interested in achieving success for very real people with very real injuries and helping individuals and families get the compensation they require to be able to get their lives back on track. We value the relationship with our clients that develop along the way.

The largest amounts of compensation are usually awarded for genuinely catastrophic brain or spinal  injury cases where the victim, unfortunately, is never going to recover fully and is in need of full time care. We are committed to achieving multi-million pound compensation for our seriously injured clients. We regularly represent clients seriously injured in cycling and motorbike collisions, product liability and accidents at work.  If you are unhappy with the service that your current legal representative is providing, we are happy to speak with you with a view to taking over the claim on your behalf.

Road traffic accidents (to include cyclists/motorcyclists), fatal accidents, accidents at work, trips and slips, to name but a few. We deal with wide ranging cases; for some clients, with a minor injury, the level of compensation expected can be small but for others, where the injuries sustained have a catastrophic affect on their lives, such as with a brain or spinal injury, possibly resulting in a complete loss of earnings and a need for ongoing care, then the level of compensation can be much greater. Our personal injury team of solicitors do not only focus on getting you the compensation you deserve; we understand that you may need to make practical changes to your life as a result of your injuries.

Our specialist team of solicitors understand how early rehabilitation makes a significant difference to the lives of our clients. Any injuries arising through the fault of others can have a devastating effect, not just on the injured person but the whole family. This will be even more so if you have suffered an injury that requires care and rehabilitation which could be costly. Our specialist team of solicitors will guide you through medical care and rehabilitation early to ensure a brighter and secure future for you.

Contact our Solicitors in Colchester or Clacton

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