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Complaints Procedure

TSP is committed to providing a high quality service.

Our quality policy and Client Service Charter can be viewed here. However, if at any point you become unhappy or concerned about the service we have provided then you should inform us immediately, so that we can do our best to resolve the problem.

Please contact the person who is working on your case first in order to discuss any concerns. If you feel this has not resolved the issue, please contact Nicola Crisell, at Stable 6, Stable Road, Colchester, CO2 7GL, who, as Head of Client Services, is responsible for dealing with concerns related to costs or service.

If you wish to make a formal complaint, then you can read our full complaints procedure here.

The SRA: If you believe that we have acted in breach of our professional and/or regulatory obligations you can refer those concerns to the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

The Legal Ombudsman have changed their rules from 1 April 2023 the Legal Ombudsman now expects complaints to be made to them:

  • within six months of receiving a final response to your complaint; and
  • no more than one year from the date of the act/omission you are concerned about; or
  • no more than one year from when you should reasonably have known there was cause for complaint.

Find out how these changes may affect you here.

If having made a formal complaint you are not satisfied with our response to that complaint you are entitled to make a referral to the Legal Ombudsman whose contact details appear in our complaints procedure.

Please be advised that the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) is changing its PO Box address with effect from 22 January 2024. From that date, the address for written correspondence to LeO will be 

Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH

Processing and Storing Your Data (GDPR): You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues, if you are not satisfied. We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the ICO so please contact us in the first instance. Your complaint will be dealt with under our formal complaints procedure here.