Hip Replacement Following Road Traffic Accident
Mrs. Z was represented by Steven Webb, with assistance from Julie Webb. Mrs. Z was a pedestrian involved in a road traffic accident in November 2012 when she was knocked over in the street by a car. She sustained a significant fracture to the neck of the left femur, other minor physical injuries, and post traumatic stress disorder.
Mrs Z, who was 50 at the time of the accident, was unable to return to her work as a health care assistant and was dismissed from her employment, by reason of medical incapacity, in the summer of 2013. Proceedings were issued in October 2013 as the Defendant refused to volunteer an interim payment, notwithstanding an admission of liability. Further medical evidence, orthopaedic and psychiatric, was obtained in due course.
The case was settled in the autumn of 2014 in the sum of £80,000.00. By this time Mrs Z had undergone a hip replacement such that she was fit to return to care work in due course.