Birth Injury and Cerebral Palsy

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Birth Injury and Cerebral Palsy

Compensation amount: £4.4 million which includes periodic payments
Birth Injury and Cerebral Palsy

TSPs Stephen Skinner has recently worked on the claim on behalf of Baby Z’s parents.

During labour Baby Z’s mother was strapped to a Cardiotocograph which began to show marked prolonged decelerations consistent with uterine scar rupture. On this basis the hospital should have proceeded to an emergency caesarean section, but did not, and there was a subsequent unacceptable delay of probably at least 50 minutes before Baby Z was born. As a result of the delay Baby Z was born with significant disabilities both physical and mental due to cerebral palsy. Our evidence was that she would have avoided all injury if born sooner.

Although fortunately Baby Z was independently mobile and retains good intellectual function she is never likely to work and will always need carers. The claim was settled for £4.4million and was approved by the High Court in January 2013.


Maternity & Childbirth