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What To Do When an Employee Resigns

What To Do When an Employee Resigns

You receive notice of someone’s resignation from your employment. But what do you do next?

It is likely that you will be surprised or even unprepared for this so there is a danger that you do not think beyond the obvious issues of leaving dates and P45s. Stepping back from the immediate emotional reactions this news might evoke, there are many things to think about. Should you make the employee work their notice, or might you prefer to put them on Garden Leave? Can you pay them in lieu of notice? Can you amend their duties or restrict them from competing against you in their new job? What else should you bear in mind?

The TSP Employment team have set out below some of the things that you should consider on receipt of someone’s notice of resignation but will be happy to discuss further with you any specific issues that you might have.

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If you have any questions about any of the stages outlined above, please contact Employment Law specialist Jolyon Berry on or on 01206 217034

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